What can I do for you?

For over three decades, I've been helping individuals and SMEs and Fortune 500 companies solve problems and get back on track to efficiency, innovation and profit.

The past twenty years have been focused primarily on needs in the language services sector, providing translations, referrals, training, tool customizations and expert opinions in a number of areas, particularly in scientific, intellectual property and other legal domains. 

Time is money... and nerves. Spare both of yours and join the ranks of those I am pleased to have helped in the course of a long, diverse practice in the US, Germany, Portugal and other countries.

HOW THIS WORKS: You complete the form below and submit it. I review the request, ask for more details if needed, then I accept the project if it I have capacity and the work is within the scope of my skills. Only then are you sent the option to select a payment method. After the payment has been processed, we'll get going to give you what you need.

PLEASE NOTE: This service payment can also be used to reserve my time for larger projects. In such cases, the fee will be credited against the invoice for that project.

memoQ logo

Can't get your CAT out of its bag?

I've been a consultant and trainer for the memoQ translation environment since its early days. This leading solution for individual translators, teams and corporate translation departments is the simplest, most flexible and powerful tool in the language services sector, but...

... greater needs often involve greater complexity, and the best work results often require customization beyond what the average "expert" can do for you. Get it right the first time, apply my five decades of IT experience and years of experience in translation, linguistics, terminology, user support and management consulting to develop an integrated solution and a better way forward.

Before your session...

Please fill out the form below to help guide our discussion. Please include as many details as you can.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a refund if I'm unhappy with this?

If you are unsatisfied with your consultation, coaching, development or referral, please contact me to see if all or part of the sum paid is eligible for a refund or credit.

As stated in Teachable's Terms of Use, Coaching IS NOT covered by Teachable's 30-day student refund policy. As such, we highly recommend that you add your own refund policy here.

How do I schedule my appointment?

Upon purchasing this service, you'll receive further instructions on how to book a time for your appointment.

Can I purchase this service more than once?

Absolutely! If you find yourself in need of assistance more than once, simply purchase an initial consultation again for future projects and needs.