What month is it?

An old teacher of mine used to talk about "one punch kill"

He may have been referring to a job he had as a teenager in Japan after the war, killing pigs in a slaughter house, which some say he did with his fist instead of the sledge hammer he was supposed to use. He and other high achievers I have known have very often emphasized the necessity of focus to finish a job quickly and correctly.

I have well over 100 rather useful regexes saved in my personal library and hundreds more I could glean from Anthony Rudd's books, Paul Filkin's Multifarious blog posts, social media with my favorite guru, Marek Pawelec or many other sources.

But my intent right now is that you master the most important skills for using the library, not to overwhelm you with wonderful regex when you don't know how to keep it sorted. I want you to have that one punch kill for handling basic regex tools in memoQ.

It's that time of the month. To focus only on months. And get the basics, step-by-step.

Download the ZIP file here. It's just above the screenshots below.

It contains an exported regex from my personal Regex Assistant library. I want you to unpack the ZIP file, where you'll find an XML file. All regexes or collections of regex from these libraries are contained in an XML file after export. And when you import shared expressions or libraries like you'll do here, it's that XML file you'll import.

Screenshots below show what that particular expression looks like when accessed and edited in the English user interface of my memoQ desktop installation. If you use a different language interface, everything from me will still be in the same place, but the UI labels will differ.

After import, play with it.

  • Use it to filter and find German or English months in a source or target text.
  • Maybe translate the name, labels and description into your own language.
  • Make a copy of the imported expression and see if you can change the expression supplied to work with other languages. Test your modified expression.

Don't know how to do some of that. No worries... we'll go into all the details if necessary....

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