Quality assurance profiles in memoQ

Quality assurance and QA profiles are not a major focus of this course, but many of the planned topics have direct relevance to QA and can be implemented in various ways in the profile used in projects. So I have included this information and a sampling of QA profiles to download and import. Further relevance will be made to them at appropriate milestones in the course.

QA profile examples to facilitate faster, focused quality assurance....

The Quality Assurance features of memoQ are, unfortunately, not well understood by a majority of users. Part of the problem, I think, is that too many rely on the "Default"/"Standard" profile that ships with the software, and there are no examples given of more targeted approaches to QA. Configuring custom QA profiles to achieve such specificity is too often a PITA, because so many enabled settings need to be deactivated in most cases, so it is easy to overlook important details and end up with confusing checks and results of no interest.

So I created the "empty" QA profile.

Inside the ZIP file to download below is an "empty" QA profile (file name: QA empty.mqres), with no options at all selected. Using this as your template to clone (and rename), it is usually quick and easy to configure focused QA runs that look only at terminology, or at tags - or both - or which use regex to perform some sort of complex QA screening of a target text.

Other specifically focused QA profiles in the set.

Sometimes I just want to a check for missing or incorrect tags in a document (this frequently makes it impossible to export translated documents with certain file types or causes distressing format errors in the target files). So I made a QA profile to check only the tags. There are many possible ways to check tags in memoQ's QA, and what I do might not cover your needs accurately, but the file QA Tags only.mqres can be a convenient starting point for where you want to go.

Often I want to do a check just for compliance with terminology agreed with a customer. I've got my QA profile that checks only terms in the term bases marked for QA use (in memoQ versions 8.x or later or in all attached term bases in older versions of memoQ).

I do a lot of work with special auto-translation rules for currency formats, dates, legal citations, abbreviations, bibliography citations and more. So I have a profile to check only the text fitting selected auto-translation rules.

As you can imagine, the three types of checks can be combined, and other desired quality checks can be added to any profile. So I combined these checks in a few more profiles provided, and I use these as-is or customize them in many projects. Now you can do the same.

There is often little or no understanding of how to manage memoQ configurations like these QA profiles. Such portable configurations are also referred to as "light resources", and it is important to get a grip on the differences in Project settings, the Options and the Resource console with regard to what is accomplished by editing or changing settings in each place. Years ago I did a video (here on my YouTube channel) explaining the three different places in memoQ where QA settings can be dealt with, and the scope of each of these places: the Resource console, the Options and the Project settings. Though the interface of the software has changed a bit in the meantime, all that information remains fully relevant.

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