Book recommendations

The "memoQ Inside Out" series by Marek Pawelec

These are the best reference available anywhere today for mastering and using some of the memoQ translation environment's most powerful and controversial features. I call the author a "consultant's consultant", and that's really true. He's the first one I talk to when I'm over my head in a technical workflow involving memoQ. His written style is like his conference presentations: clear, concise, well-presented and utterly useful.

As of September 2023 he has the following works available:

  • Templates for Translators (English)
  • Templates for Project Managers (English)
  • Tags
  • Machine Translation (English, French, Dutch, Polish)

The site for his books is here:

Anthony Rudd's books on regular expressions for translation work

These are so well done and so incredibly clear and useful that I hardly bother with any other references. These were the learning resources that I used to crack a very hard problem for auto-translation rules for complex legal citations which memoQ Support and a few top consultants had failed to solve for years (of course, the fact that I was a legal translator with intimate familiarity with those citations and the others weren't played a big role). Anthony is just a Class A teacher of regex, simply the best. For those who can't be bothered to learn syntax, his "recipes" book is a gold mine with over 100 pages of ready-to-go solutions for translation problem-solving. Copy and paste, store in your memoQ Regex Assistant library, and you're ready to roll....

These works are available on Amazon. I have the Kindle editions, but you can also get paperback editions from Amazon or PDFs directly from Anthony.

How are these relevant to the course? Well... the information in these two books can help you in memoQ with:

  • filtering in the translation and editing grid
  • find & replace in the editing grid
  • regex in QA profiles (a bonus topic here)
  • auto-translation rules
  • segmentation rules (advanced upgrades)
  • the Regex Assistant library
  • filters, including the Regex Text Filter and Regex Tagger
  • and more