"Naked" segmentation rules: a clean slate

The downloadable segmentation rules below are intended to provide a container for importing SRX or other segmentation regex, abbreviation exceptions, ordinal followers, etc. from other translation environment tools such as Trados Studio, Phrase, OmegaT, Cafetran Espresso, Wordfast, etc. Or they can be used to write clean segmentation rules "from scratch".

Please note that one of these EMPTY segmentation rules is configured for German in Germany ("ger-DE") and the other for generic English ("eng"). As of version 10.3, memoQ does not allow segmentation rules without a specific, pre-configured language designation (a generic language like "ger" or a variant like "ger-DE", "ger-AT", "ger-CH" and so on).

To make a "clean slate" for some other language, open the resource in a text editor and change the language designation in the header, for example to "eng-US" if you want US English rules or "eng" for generic English.

OmegaT SRX segmentation rules

The German segmentation rules for the OmegaT distribution are in the ZIP file below in two versions. One of these has the XML adapted for compatibility with another tool. Differences in the <maprules> section often cause compatibility problems.

Notes from Trados Studio 2022

The screenshots and text files contained in the ZIP archive below can be used to recreate default Trados segmentation behavior. A detailed lesson on this will be published later, but intrepid course participants are welcome to give it a shot before then....

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