
Import filters in memoQ

One of the advantages of translation environment tools like memoQ is their ability, when configured correctly, to extract translatable text from a great number of original file formats and then present this text for translation in an ergonomically superior manner, reducing eye strain or the confusion of layouts and varying text sizes, with access to appropriate reference resources for understanding and rendering the text appropriately in another language according to the style and content specifications of the project.

In the simplest cases, these "file filters" aren't even noticed by translators. Usually a button is clicked, a menu command selected, or a file is dragged and dropped onto a window, and soon the task of translation begins. However, sometimes the assumptions of these default processes do not reflect the real need of the translator to work in the best way, and some adjustments are needed. These adjustments might involve generating layout previews, excluding or transforming particular content (protecting placeholders, for example) and so on.

The first office hours discussion for the "memoQ Filters" unit presented an overview of many considerations and possibilities for fine-tuning the import of translatable files or managing content once the translatable text has been imported. It is available on YouTube with a time-coded index in the Description field, or it can be downloaded in the next section with a custom HTML 5 player that also includes content indexing.

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